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Company Profile
Hangzhou Jincheng Medical
Supplies Manufacture Co.,Ltd, are China division of Medtecs Group.
Medtecs Group is a public co***ny listed in Singapore, which has manufacture sites in China, Taiwan,Cambodia and P1989
Founded Clement Textile & International Corporation in the Philippines, the first manufacturing site to manufacture patient apparels and disposable consumables.

Incorporated Medtex Corporation. The co***ny specialises in the manufacture and sale of medical bandages.

Established Universal Weavers Corporation to manufacture woven medical blankets and linens.

Established Contex Corporation as an import agent for marketing of other branded medical supplies.

Incorporated MEDTECS International Corporation Limited, a holding co***ny, in Bermuda as an exempted co***ny limited by shares.

The Group formulated expansion plans into the Asia Pacific region. Marketed "MEDTECS" brand for selected products distributed in the Asia Pacific region.

Incorporated MEDTECS (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd. Set up regional marketing and distribution center in Singapore.
MEDTECS International Corporation Limited was successfully listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange.
MEDTECS (Cambodia) Corporation Limited was incorporated and established sales office in Phnom Penh.

Incorporated MEDTECS (Taiwan) Corporation.
Acquired hospital laundry and sterilisation businesses in Taiwan.

Upgraded and expanded the hospital laundry and sterilisation facilities in Taiwan.
Started operations at the Cambodian manufacturing facility.
Incorporated MEDTECS (Far East) Limited in Hong Kong.
Incorporated MEDTECS Materials Technology Corporation in the Philippines.
Broadened hospital services to include the management of hospital facilities and hospital automation.

Group's Taiwan Depository Receipts listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange.
Granted ISO9001 for the hospital laundry and sterilisation facilities in Taiwan.

Expanded manufacturing facilit

Contact Us
Company: www.medtex.com
Contact: Ms. vivian yuan
Address: No.486, Shenban Road,
Postcode: 310022
Tel: 86 571 88134577
Fax: 86 571 88132962

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